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Fiani, C., Bretin, R., MacDonald, S., Khamis, M. and McGill, M. (2024). “Pikachu would electrocute people who are misbehaving”: Expert, Guardian and Child Perspectives on Automated Embodied Moderators for Safeguarding Children in Social Virtual Reality. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 24), May 11–16, 2024, Honolulu, Hawaii. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 23 pages.​

Fiani, C., Saeghe, P., McGill, M & Khamis, M. (2024). Exploring the Perspectives of Social VR-Aware Non-Parent Adults and Parents on Children’s Use of Social Virtual Reality. Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact. 8, CSCW1, Article 54 (April 2024), 25 pages. â€‹

Fiani, C., Bretin, R., McGill, M., & Khamis, M. (2023). Big Buddy: Exploring Child Reactions and Parental Perceptions towards a Simulated Embodied Moderating System for Social Virtual Reality. Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’23), June 19–23, 2023, Chicago, IL, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 13 pages.

Fiani, C., Bretin, R., McGill, M., & Khamis, M. (2023). Big Buddy: A Simulated Embodied Moderating System to Mitigate Children’s Reaction to Provocative Situations within Social Virtual Reality. In Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’23), April 23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.

Fiani, C., McGill, M., & Khamis, M. (2023). Ensuring Child Safety in Social VR: Navigating Different Perspectives and Merging Viewpoints. In CHI '23 Workshop: Combating Toxicity, Harassment, and Abuse in Online Social Spaces, April 23–28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA.

Dr Aydin Abadi, Prof Madeline Carr, Dr Ignacio Castro, Dr Alicia Cork, Dr Andrés Domínguez, Cristina Fiani, Dr Mohamed Khamis, Dr Mark McGill, Prof Steven Murdoch, Prof Awais Rashid, Dr Pejman Saeghe, Dr Gareth Tyson, & Dr Ola Michalec (Ed.) (2023). REPHRAIN White Paper: the Metaverse and Web 3.0. REPHRAIN National Research Centre on Privacy, Harm Reduction and Adversarial Influence Online. 

Fiani, C. and Marsella, S. (2022). Investigating the Non-verbal Behavior Features of Bullying for the Development of an Automatic Recognition System in Social Virtual Reality. In Proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2022) (pp. 1-3). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 67.

Avery, J., Runciman, M., Fiani, C., Sanchez, E. M., Akhond, S., Liu, Z., Aristovich, K., & Mylonas, G. (2022). Lumen Shape Reconstruction using a Soft Robotic Balloon Catheter and Electrical Impedance Tomography. In Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) (pp. 3414-3421). ACM.

Fiani, C., Aristovich K. & Avery, J. 2021. Improving Aortic Stent Sizing Through Integrated Impedance Measurements. In Proceedings of the International Conference EIT 2021, Galway, Ireland. Abstract Conference Proceedings.

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